[photo review] Maxi Velvet-Lace Pleated Skirt - Blue
crossfire | 2020-12-20 | HIT 749
    • Looking for a lace skirt? Looking for a velvet blue skirt? Then this is a good option.

      This skirt kan be worn two ways. In the photo review, I'm wearing the velvet side.

      The velvet feels nice. It has a nice shine to it. The skirt is very comfy.
      The lace is very delicate and peaks out underneath the skirt. Because lace is delicate, beware of sharp objects and watch out if you walk down the stairs. The lace can get stuk in on your heel or the backside of you're shoe depending on the lenght your skirt falls. It's advised to lift the skirt a bit up when you walk down the stairs.

      I chose to wear the skirt with a lot of other blue tint related items. Since warm colors look better on me, I added brown tints in to it to create a contrast and add more warm based tints.

      In the last photo you can see a a bit of the skirt in a different lighting. The shimmer in the skirt is very pretty. You can add another shimmer item like I did with the shawl. A  nice necklace is also very nice. That way you can add that extra little bit of shimmer on the upper side of your body.